• Post last modified:August 30, 2024
  • Reading time:6 mins read


If you are a life coaching expert or experienced learning and development professional or hold a degree in psychology and allied domain, then this social business idea is for you. Hold your breath, here today you are going to get a superb social business idea. 

The article is about a social business concept. And for people who are specialized in life coaching, psychology, the learning and development profession, and allied domains. The aim of this social business is to keep teenagers focused on education and empower them to combat the distractions they face during their adolescence.

social business

For your better understanding, I will explain this social business concept in detail and write a comprehensive problem statement. Furthermore, if you want more information, I promise to reply to you within a week or two.

One of my articles has already touched upon the subject of teenage distractions, hope you have read it, if not, you can get the link at the end of this article. However, today I will show you how you can start a social business on teenage distractions.

The problem and solution

Before we start let us see how severe this problem is and what solutions are available. We know distraction is anything that takes one’s attention away from what he or she is supposed to do attentively. More than 250 million adolescents live in India, a survey done by the National Mental health Survey (2016) has estimated that almost 13.3% of adolescents residing in metropolitan areas have mental morbidity.

Also, studies conducted among school-going children found that one in five adolescents suffers from high stress due to different aspects of life, majorly that is academic pressure, adverse family events, career concern, romantic and infatuation concern, and peer group dynamics.

So, with these narratives, you must have understood how severe this problem is and spread over what quantum. In fact, the COVID pandemic has aggravated the issue further. While researching these issues on the internet I have taken aback by seeing the research papers in abundance, and most of the drawn statistics are identical in type.

small business ideas

Check home-based business ideas here.
Check online business ideas here.
Check small business ideas here.


The opportunity.

Presently India does not have a concrete solution for these problems of adolescents, neither as an endeavor of the Government nor from any private entity, at least I have not seen or heard.

Hence, I see a big opportunity in this area of problem, but yes, the solution must be in line with and dynamics. No doubt, this is an area of high expertise and not for every Tom, Dick, and Harry. I have already mentioned who can do this business, repeating again, one must have enough knowledge of children’s psychology, if you are an L&D professional without good knowledge of human psychology please educate yourself before starting it or get an association with an expert. The scope of this business is secondary and higher secondary schools, not beyond this and the target age group is 13 to 19.

How can you start this social business?

  1. Please research and study, I believe you will find 5 areas as the sources of adolescent distractions i.e. academic pressure, adverse family events, career concerns, romantic and infatuation concerns, and peer group dynamics. As a professional when delivering the solution to a group of people you can only work on four leaving the family event aside. Please research, you may find some more.
  2. You must make a structured curriculum, especially in such a way that can take the audience through gradual progression.
  3. Once your products are ready, you need to work on the presentation. Please take the help of an experienced and learned teacher.
  4. Once you are ready, shoot a session and make the video piece as professional as possible.
  5. Make a list of secondary and higher secondary schools in your area.
  6. Send a copy of your presentation to the principals of the schools and conduct a few sessions free of cost.
  7. If your content and presentation carry value you will start getting a “word of mouth” advertisement soon.
  8. Once you become a paid professional, start creating a team for wider coverage and bringing new business.
  9. I suggest not making the curriculum shorter than 90 days, and suggesting making the duration a USP, in fact, a longer duration will bring a more systematic approach, make the effect enduring and authority will feel the solution tangible.
  10. You must have observed that this business does not require much capital investment, but you cannot start quickly if you are not a child psychology expert and a good coach. So, invest time.

I believe that if you start this social business can make yourself ready within a year, and by the end of the second year you will start earning.

small business ideas

Best of luck!
