The goal of this blog is to come up with a solid solution that can help people who lost their job or anyone who wants to start a business quickly. I will make the entire article easy to understand and comprehensive so that readers can easily pick up and implement it. Moreover, if you want more information I promise to get back in a week.
Today I will give an idea for those who lost their job during COVID and till now could not arrange any steady means of livelihood. Please do not get frustrated, there are solutions, doing a service (job) is not the ultimate thing and the only objective of life. Stop making others rich.
You waited for a job for 3/6/9/12 or more months but luck is not working on your side. Let us see how we can turn luck in our favor through a structured approach and complete dedication.
Believing is getting! Start a business with full confidence.
The first condition is to stop looking for a job, one cannot progress until full dedication is given one at a time, you have tried for a job for months that did not work and now you are onto plan “B” to start a business.
If you are ready to know more, continue reading about how to start a business quickly.
I am assuming that you are under tremendous financial stress, you are not able to pay your bills, school fees for your children are long due, missing EMIs continuously, your credit score has gone down, and you are penniless now, and depressed.
Stop thinking about all these for the next 90 days, on any reminder from school, or banks, just tell them to wait for another 6 months until you get settled. And those who are supporting you to manage grocery bills and other essentials request them to extend support for the next 90 days.
Now the time has come to seek help from your friends, or family members for crowdfunding to start a business. Make a list of one hundred people and ask them to support you to start a business. Your target is to arrange seventy-five thousand rupees.
Your promise before you start a business

Here you promise not to use a single rupee from the crowd collection on anything other than business.
I am sure you will arrange 75K within 10 days, mark the day on a calendar, your journey has just begun. Just follow what I mentioned here [Taking an example of a model business so that I can describe it well, however you even pick that]
Steps to start a business quickly
Day 1. Keep the cash in your almirah (Do not keep it in the bank, as overdue may snatch the collection at no time). If you have a computer or laptop, come online, or visit a cybercafé, research on following
White Label Exercise Book Manufacturer” [Please note I am not promoting the company linked here] you will get some addresses of your city or the nearest cities. Understand their product line, and research the size, price, and variety.
Day 2. Go to the wholesale market in your city, enquire about the price, and tell them you will open a small stationery store and need non-branded writing books/notebooks stocks of a different variety. You will get fair ideas on types & sizes that move fast and have a good margin, demand, and quality. Please go to 10 such shops and in every shop write down the points (Avoid “keep in mind” please)
Day 3-4. Plan your inventory as per the information collected from the shops, if stuck anywhere please visit the shops again, this time be specific to your queries. Restrict your inventory value to rupees 50K
Day 5. Visit the Manufacturer’s site (Who deals in white labeling), show them your requirements, and may deny seeing the 50K order value, here you must convince the manufacturer.
Day 6-15. Your order will be ready by this time, check the product, and pay the balance. [While giving a work order, pay them a maximum of 50% of the order value]. Please note while giving the order the manufacturer will ask for front- and back-page designs. [If they do not have the samples, approach a graphic designer to show samples available in the market and get one ready by paying a maximum of 1-2K]
Day 16-90. For 70 days, do pay maximum effort to digital marketing through Facebook. [Restrict the audience to a narrow territory, where you can easily commute to deliver at home and keep the advertising budget at Rs 200 on daily basis]. Also, connect all the family members and friends, neighbors, and schools (Target 10 visits, 20 WhatsApp daily).
You are ready to start a business
With this, you still have 10K in hand and you will start getting orders. Do not forget to refill stocks every week.
[Take a bicycle/bike/Scooty on hire so that you can commute cost-effectively]
The non-branded paper products give a 30% to 50% margin, my wife has a small stationery shop where I see the average order size is Rs 200, and on daily basis she sells 4/5 units making Rs 200 to Rs 300 profit.
In this business model, it is expected you will get 10-12 orders after 90 days. [That surely will give you 20K per month]. Please do not leave the battle on 20K profit, try to grow further. You should target a profit of 40K monthly by the end of the first year and carry on.
Important things to keep in mind
Please do not copy any brand, keep your front page design elegant, and emphasize quality and price while doing digital marketing. If possible, keep some branded products and other school stationery (In case you have around 1 Lakh investment capacity)
While continuing this endeavor do not forget to apply for
MUDRA loan, this can be a game changer!