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  • Post last modified:March 15, 2023
  • Reading time:28 mins read
small business ideas from home

Introduction to digital entrepreneurship.

Digital entrepreneurship is the practice of leveraging digital tools and technologies to create innovative business models, products, services, and experiences. Digital entrepreneurs are those who use their creativity and technical skills to develop new ways of doing things online. They have the ability to identify opportunities in a rapidly changing digital landscape that can be turned into profitable ventures.

In today’s world where almost everything is done digitally, from shopping for groceries online all the way up to running multi-million-dollar companies. Being a successful entrepreneur requires more than just having good ideas, it takes knowledge about technology as well as savvy marketing strategies applied across multiple platforms such as mobile devices, web applications, or social media networks in order to achieve success over time. 

This means that aspiring entrepreneurs need access to not only traditional resources like capital but also specialized training programs designed specifically for this purpose if you want your venture to succeed long term!

Frequently asked questions.

What are examples of digital entrepreneurship?

Digital entrepreneurship refers to starting and running a business that leverages technology and the internet to create and deliver products or services. Here are a few examples of digital entrepreneurship:

  1. E-commerce: Selling products or services online through platforms like Amazon, Shopify, or your own website.

  2. SaaS (Software as a Service): Developing and delivering cloud-based software to customers on a subscription basis.

  3. Mobile Apps: Creating and selling mobile applications for smartphones and tablets.

  4. Online Marketplaces: Building and running online marketplaces where buyers and sellers can connect, such as Airbnb or Uber.

  5. Digital Content Creation: Producing and selling digital content, such as music, video, or written content, through platforms like YouTube, Spotify, or Medium.

  6. Affiliate Marketing: Earning commissions by promoting and selling other people’s products through your own website or social media channels.

  7. Virtual Services: Offering services, such as consulting or coaching, through online platforms or video conferencing.

These are just a few examples of digital entrepreneurship, and the opportunities for creating and growing a successful business in the digital space are constantly expanding.

How do I start a digital entrepreneurship?

Starting a digital entrepreneurship involves several steps, including:

  1. Identifying a business opportunity: Conduct market research to identify a need or problem that your business can solve, and determine if there is a viable market for your solution.

  2. Creating a business plan: Develop a written plan that outlines your business concept, target market, marketing strategy, financial projections, and operational plans.

  3. Building your online presence: Establish a website and social media accounts to represent your business and reach your target market.

  4. Developing your product or service: Create a minimum viable product (MVP) that you can test and refine as you build your business.

  5. Raising capital: Determine how much funding you need to start and grow your business, and consider options for financing, such as loans, grants, or crowdfunding.

  6. Marketing and promoting your business: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan to reach your target market and build a loyal customer base.

  7. Launch and grow your business: Launch your business and continuously improve and scale your offerings to meet the needs of your customers.

By following these steps, you can start and grow a successful digital entrepreneurship that leverages technology and the internet to create and deliver value to customers.

What are the 4 types of entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship can be categorized into four types based on the level of risk, innovation, and impact on the market:

  1. Lifestyle entrepreneurship: This type of entrepreneurship is focused on providing a flexible lifestyle and income while serving a niche market. The emphasis is on pursuing a passion or hobby and generating enough income to support a desired lifestyle.

  2. Scalable entrepreneurship: This type of entrepreneurship is focused on creating a business that can grow and scale to reach a large market. The emphasis is on innovation, product development, and market growth.

  3. Social entrepreneurship: This type of entrepreneurship is focused on creating a business that addresses a social issue and creates positive impact. The emphasis is on creating social and environmental impact, as well as financial returns.

  4. Opportunity entrepreneurship: This type of entrepreneurship is focused on identifying and pursuing new business opportunities in the market. The emphasis is on identifying and exploiting untapped markets, creating new products and services, and responding quickly to market changes.

These categories are not mutually exclusive and many entrepreneurs may embody elements of multiple types in their ventures. The type of entrepreneurship a person pursues will depend on their goals, strengths, and the market opportunity they see.

digital entrepreneurship
Digital Entrepreneurship

What is driving the growth of the digital entrepreneurship?

The following are the main reasons for the exponential growth of digital entrepreneurship.
  • Continued growth of e-commerce and online marketplaces driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and shift towards online shopping.
  • Increased focus on personalization and customer experience in digital marketing and e-commerce.
  • Adoption of technologies such as 5G, IoT and edge computing to facilitate faster and more efficient data collection and analysis.
  • Increasing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in various aspects of business operations such as customer service, marketing and supply chain management.
  • The growing importance of digital security and privacy, including the use of blockchain technology for data protection.
  • Emergence of digital platforms and marketplaces for remote and freelance work.
  • Adoption of virtual and augmented reality technologies in e-commerce and marketing.
  • Growing importance of digital payments and contactless transactions in e-commerce.

What skills are required for digital entrepreneurship?

There are two ways to get into digital entrepreneurship, firstly, you are in an existing business and want to bring efficiency (in all pillars of the business) through digital adoption and the other way is to provide a digital solution to an existing problem.

Doing any business requires no pre-qualification, at least in today’s world….here you have to look at the result, which is usually a goal or objective. Let me give an example to simplify the argument I am making here, you want to start a digital healthcare business, but it doesn’t mean you have to be a doctor based on qualifications… you can always find the association of qualified and eligible people in your efforts. To be an entrepreneur one must have a business mindset such as profit sense, stability, determination, goal-oriented, and integrity.

If you are a commerce or humanity graduate, you might start thinking that doing a SAAS (Software as a service) selling a business should not be a cup of tea for you….this is not correct. Continue reading.

digital entrepreneurship
Digital Entrepreneurship

Digital entrepreneurship that solves a problem and deliver values.

What do you want to start? Are there any ideas clicking in your mind that you believe will bring a revolution in commerce?

Yes, you might have one! But are you sure that will work? Let me bring you a solution that will correctly answer these popping questions. To validate an idea, you need to further ask two questions to self.

  1. What problem does my business solve? (There must be a problem).

I’m using the example of a health-tech business to make it easier to understand….my business solves the problem of providing convenient, affordable access to quality healthcare services. By leveraging technology and modernizing traditional medical practices, my business is able to make healthcare more accessible to everyone.

The first way to address this problem is to offer a wide range of telehealth options to patients who are unable or unwilling to visit a doctor’s office in person. Our telemedicine platform allows patients from around the world to communicate with our physicians online, eliminating long wait times and expensive travel costs associated with physical visits. This makes it easier than ever for people living in rural areas or with limited financial resources to access reliable healthcare advice without leaving their homes.

Second, my business also reduces patient out-of-pocket costs through our transparent pricing system that eliminates hidden fees and surprise bills at checkout (something that has recently become increasingly common in conventional healthcare systems due to largely increased insurance premiums and deductibles.) We make sure all charges are disclosed upfront so there are no surprises when it comes time to pay the bill, giving you peace of mind knowing exactly what you’re paying for each service.

Finally, we strive to create an overall positive experience by ensuring that every interaction between patient and provider is pleasant. Helping to book appointments quickly and efficiently from friendly customer service representatives, highly trained doctors take extra steps to ensure they understand their individual needs and provide personalized treatment plans accordingly.

  1. What values my product or service will deliver? (Commercial and non-commercial).

In business, the concept of commercial value and non-commercial value is an important point to consider when discussing the production, sale and consumption of goods. Commercial value refers to the monetary value or utility of a product in terms of its ability to be sold for a profit. Non-commercial values are more intangible qualities that do not necessarily have direct economic benefits but can still influence how people view goods or services. These values include issues such as environmental sustainability, social responsibility, ethical labor practices, etc.

In today’s consumer market, demand for both commercial and non-commercial value products is increasing as consumers become more aware of their purchasing decisions in industries ranging from food production to fashion production. Companies must not only provide quality products at competitive prices but also demonstrate their commitment to protecting the environment by using sustainable materials in their packaging or ensuring fair working conditions for their manufacturing workers. 

This means that companies must focus on producing high-quality products while investing in activities that promote responsible business practices if they want to remain competitive in this growing sector.

Finally, it is clear that both commercial and non-commercial values will help businesses attract new customers and maintain existing values because people now expect companies to consider such factors when making purchasing decisions. Therefore, it is important for any company to stay ahead in this increasingly crowded marketplace to understand the importance of providing consumers with products that have both tangible economic benefits as well as intangible social ones.

top 10 most successful businesses to start in India
Digital Entrepreneurship

Practicality of a product in digital entrepreneurship.

If you have passed the self-assessment, the next step is to measure whether your idea can be implemented. Ideas that are not executable are lost unless you have huge resources for long RnD (research and development). The best effective solution is when they solve a complex problem with a simple solution….getting confused!!

Let me share a solution here, suppose you want to know if there are any cosmetic surgeons in your city and how much it will cost you to do a nose lift, a simple google will take a few seconds to get the list of related doctors. Search will give them hundreds. But you won’t get any price quote there, because no doctor will give a quote without knowing the complications of the surgery.

So, this is a problem, people are impatient by nature, and want immediate answers of questions that pop into their minds. Now, since your product is an online directory of specialized surgeons that wants to solve this particular problem, you want people to search the net, so that your directory returns a result that also gives the possible cost of the surgery. Is it possible…? 

Yes, it can be done by specifying a range of costs for any particular surgeon charges for different types of surgeries. But if you want to fine-tune the result and have time slots available for surgery for a particular doctor, that may not be possible unless your directory is in real-time sync with the doctor’s daily schedule.

Assessing the practicality of a proposed product in a real market situation is an important part of determining its success.

It requires careful consideration and analysis to determine whether the product has real-world practicality, meets all needs, and will be profitable for the business. When evaluating the practicality of a proposed product, there are three main areas that must be considered.

  1. Market demand and competition.

The first area to consider when assessing the practicality of a proposed product is market demand and competition. This involves researching current trends in order to understand what customers want or need from such products as well as what potential competitors may already offer in terms of similar products or services. Knowing who your target audience is essential here since it helps you identify any gaps in existing offerings that your new offering could fill while also helping you develop strategies for how best to differentiate yourself from competitors who may have similar offerings on hand already.


Competition is an important part of life and can be found in many different aspects. It’s a natural part of the human experience, as we strive to better ourselves and our accomplishments. Competition pushes us to work harder, develop new skills, think outside the box and ultimately reach higher levels of success than we would have without it. While competition can often lead to negative outcomes such as stress or anxiety, when used properly it can also bring out our best qualities and help us achieve great things.

When evaluating competition, one must take into account both its positive effects on motivation as well as its potential drawbacks that could cause harm if not managed correctly.

On one hand, competing against others allows organizations to measure their own progress against that of their peers while striving for improvement. This encourages growth which is beneficial in many areas including process development or knowledge pursuits. 

On the other hand, however, too much pressure from external sources may create feelings of inadequacy or even resentment towards those who are more successful.  Therefore, it’s important for organizations engaging in competitive activities to find a balance between healthy ambition & self-improvement on one side versus overbearing expectations & discouragement on the other.

In conclusion, competition has both advantages & disadvantages depending upon how it’s approached, with proper evaluation & management however these risks can be minimized while still allowing the organization full access to all benefits associated with participating in competitive activities. Ultimately then, through careful consideration, any organization should be able to make use of the competition’s strengths while avoiding most pitfalls thereby helping them reach greater heights than they ever thought possible!

  1. Design features.

The second area which should be assessed when evaluating the practicality of proposed products relates directly to design features namely usability, durability, scalability, etc. All factors which can make or break user experience with any given item/product/service being offered up by businesses today no matter their size or scope. Here, a lot of research on competitor designs (if available) can help inform decisions about feature selection, but ultimately good UX principles should always prevail over what might currently exist, so testing prototypes against various scenarios before launch remains important.

Unique selling proposition.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is an important concept in marketing. It refers to the unique qualities of a product that sets it apart from its competitors and makes it attractive to customers. A good USP can be the difference between success and failure for a business, so understanding how best to create one is essential for any company looking to succeed in today’s market.

The step towards creating an effective USP is identifying what makes your product different from others on the market. This could be anything from superior quality or innovative features, to great customer service or competitive pricing…. whatever you think will make your offering stand out amongst its rivals should form part of your USP statement. 

  1. Cost/profitability.

Finally, cost/profitability considerations come into play once all the above points have been adequately addressed. We all know without sufficient revenue generated via sales, no business venture stands much chance at long-term sustainability regardless of how useful its core offering may prove itself during the initial stages. Thus, understanding pricing models, and production costs associated with getting said items created & shipped, and other budgeting requirements needed prior to launching become very important aspects. Hence, it is always worth taking time to consider before fully committing resources to develop a product.

digital entrepreneurship
Digital Entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurs involved in digital entrepreneurship understand how technology works and how customers interact with it. They recognize trends early on so they can capitalize on them before anyone else does, they spot potential problems quickly so they can avoid costly mistakes, and lastly, they are able to apply creative solutions that help businesses stand out from competitors in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

Digital entrepreneurship ideas.

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